Have you done everything you can to promote your own health and well being?
All That You Need to Know About Nutrition for South Asians

I typed the word – nutrition – in the Google search bar. About 1,480,000,000 results (0.63 seconds) appeared with a display of the first 11 links.
Whoa! I paused, then I typed – Nutrition for South Asians. About 97,700,000 results (0.60 seconds) was the result. I let this number sink in. What could I tell readers about nutrition in 1000 words or less that would actually be useful?
I narrowed my research to four questions. What are the principal do’s and don’ts for nutrition and healthy eating? What restrictions do health conditions pose? Are credible, well-researched guides available to help us develop individualized plans? Can we adapt these guidelines to cuisines we enjoy?
This article is about healthy eating using Indian, South-Asian and other preferred diets. In a nutshell, abide by these overarching rules: